Welcome to the Asbestos Awareness Training Course. This course has been designed to aid you in recognising the risks associated with working with asbestos. The course takes approximately 60 minutes to complete and you can take it all in one go or leave and return to it at will. All you need is a PC, laptop, tablet or mobile.
At the end of the course there is an assessment consisting of 15 questions. If you pass, we will issue you with a certificate. If you fail, you have a second opportunity to re-sit the course. If you have any issues, then please contact us – details below.
Individuals can sign up and pay online for group access please contact ACMS UK for more details; info@acmsuk.com or 0115 922 0600
1 -10 people £25.00 per person
11+ people £18.00 per person
Cost includes 2 opportunities to complete the certified assessment. Prices exclusive of UK VAT @20%